Follows Rupert Campbell-Black and Tony Baddingham as they see their long-running rivalry come to an end. Coincidentally, Aidan Turner had previously filmed at Chavenage House (a rival monastery). The same filming location was also used to portray Trenwith House in 2015. In the BBC TV adaptation of Poldark. I’ve never read the books, but I still thought the series looked good, so I went and binged the whole thing in one sitting. The acting was phenomenal and most of the people on this show are so great, especially Alex Hassell, or at least I think he is. No wonder everyone wants to bash Rupert Campbell-Black. He was great in A Night of Violence and The Boys, even if he’s only in a few episodes. I was surprised to see him naked as Translucent, and I’m still surprised to see him naked as Rupert. I don’t care if Rupert should have been blonde or if people say Alex isn’t that good looking, he’s still hot.