Can Ketamine Be Used to Treat Addictions?

Ketamine Addiction

Recreational use could lead to addiction and other dangerous effects. Ketamine has been used in clinical trials to help treat people with cocaine and alcohol addiction. Addiction to substances such as ketamine is characterized by an inability to stop despite negative consequences, preoccupation with the substance, and disruptions that interfere with important aspects of life. When people try to stop using ketamine, they may also experience symptoms of withdrawal.

The Ketamine Comedown

Ketamine Addiction

People who use ketamine recreationally will typically take the drug orally in pill form, or snorted in its white powder form. Ketamine infusions are highly controlled and are dosed to wear off after a short period of time. Ketamine is a drug that is commonly used as a post-surgery analgesic. When misused, ketamine can be addictive and produce serious and life-threatening side effects.

Ketamine: Short and Long-Term Effects of Ketamine

These symptoms are more likely to occur at higher doses of ketamine, often via repeated use over many hours, or when combining ketamine with alcohol or other drugs. Medication, outpatient, and inpatient treatment are generally available to address the health effects of addiction including ketamine misuse. Once someone has been medically stabilized from a ketamine overdose, this may be an ideal time to speak to them about the benefits of seeking substance misuse treatment regarding their ketamine use (or use of other drugs). Addressing the behavioral aspect of ketamine misuse through professional intervention could be a valuable tool in preventing these dangers from being realized. In summary, studies show that ketamine infusions may reduce craving and promote recovery for people with alcohol, stimulant, and opioid use disorders.

Ketamine Addiction

Ketamine Abuse Statistics

However, there is still a great deal of research that needs to be conducted before ketamine therapy becomes a generally accepted treatment for addiction. If you are struggling with addiction and considering ketamine therapy, be sure to consult a medical professional beforehand. Ketamine intoxication can present similarly to PCP, methoxetamine, and dextromethorphan intoxication, all of which bind to the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. Also, providers should consider intoxication with alcohol, amphetamine, cocaine, LSD, MDMA, and salicylate, as well as delirium tremens from alcohol withdrawal.

  • Ketamine’s effects are powerful, and once a person has developed tolerance they will need to take more of the substance to feel the same euphoric effects.
  • One of the more notable side effects of ketamine abuse is the “K-hole” experience.
  • They must receive treatments in a doctor’s office or a certified clinic.
  • It is particularly challenging to blind participants to treatment group assignment in a study of a mind-altering substance, like ketamine, because people know they are getting a placebo if they don’t feel a change.

What are the negative side effects or potential risks of using ketamine?

The K-hole experience may cause people to behave recklessly and get into dangerous situations. You can suffer from accidents, overdose, or hurt other people during this time. Even if you’ve had positive experiences, a slight increase in dosage can be the difference between a good time and a dangerous situation. By following your doctor’s instructions carefully and avoiding any misuse of ketamine, you can benefit from this medication without the risk of addiction. Seeking professional help is key to recovery from ketamine addiction. Treatment can help stabilize the brain’s chemical balance, making it easier to begin the psychological recovery process.

Today, prescription drugs containing ketamine are sold under the brand names Ketalar and Ketajet. Veterinary medicines containing ketamine include Ketaset and Vetamine. If you or a loved one are exhibiting these signs, get medical intervention immediately. The quicker you act, the quicker you can address the ketamine addiction addiction and start treatment. Remember to follow all your doctor’s instructions so you can avoid withdrawal. According to the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health in the United States, an estimated 2.3 million people aged 12 or older used ketamine in their lifetimes, with 203,000 users in 2013.

Plasencia texted a doctor friend in San Diego, Mark Chavez, who agreed to obtain ketamine for him. The substance produces what is known as a dissociative, or “out of body” experience, and people who use it may feel euphoric, pleasant, happy, or relaxed, or report having enhanced sensory abilities. Tolerance can build to the effects over time, requiring greater doses of the drug to reach the same level of effect. Reports suggest that the dissociative effect may also disappear over time.

Research on Ketamine Use in Addiction Treatment

Ketamine Addiction

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